Thursday, May 26, 2011

Sparky the Wine Away Dog makes announcement

If you love Wine Away (and your pets), but don't love the accidents your four legged friend can leave behind --then you'll be happy to know thatWine Away works on pet accidents too!!

Look for Sparky, the Wine Away dog, in the new Winery Dogs of Washington book.

To find out what other stains Wine Away works on go to: - or - post a comment and tell us what you've used it on.


  1. I love Wine Away - I also use it on blood, ink pen and have found it works awesome on strawberry syrup that my son consistenly gets on his shirt (or the carpet).

    I also use it on my countertop - not only does it do a great job cleaning them, but it makes the whole room smell fresh.

    You gota try the Wine Away - our family found this on a trip to California and have used it eversince.

  2. It doesn't surprise me that it works on pet stains - we use it on ALL of our stains and like the person above said we also use it on the stove to get rid of bacon grease after my husband cooks one of his great breakfasts.

    Wine Away red wine stain remover is absolutely the best stain remover I've ever tried. It's saved articles of clothing, our carpet and my table linens.

  3. It is a wonderful detergent, but I prefer to clean with natural products only. If we want to preserve the environment in our homes toxic-free and healthy we should not use any cleaning detergents from the supermarket.

    carpet cleaning London

  4. Wine stains have always been difficult to be removed and I was looking for a long time for this kind of a detergent. Gladly we have the solution.
    Window Cleaning Tadworth

  5. Here is a great site with incredible tips on how to remove wine stains here: How to remove wine stains
